Kaj je v moji torbi za trening? (What is in my gym bag)


Odločila sem se, da bom spet pisala dvojezično (slo+ang), zaradi nekaj bralk iz tujine. Danes Vam bom odprla pogled v mojo fitnes torbo. Torej kaj vzamem s seboj za dober trening. 
[I decided to write in two languages again (slo+english), because I have few foreign followers. Today I will show you what I have in my gym bag and what I need for good training. ]

Za začetek naj povem, da to ni nobena umetnost in s seboj nimam ne vem koliko stvari. Kdo me pozna pa tako ali tako ve da :
1. Ne maram torbic, ker jih povsod pozabim
2. Sem minimalist 
[For start I should say, that it is no big deal and I do not take a lot of stuff with me. Everyone, who knows me, know two things:
1. I do not like bags, because I forget them everywhere
2. I am very minimalistic]

Tukaj je seznam stvari, ki jih imam vedno s seboj v svoji fitnes torbi:
1. mp3 in slušalke - brez super glasbe ni dobrega treninga
2. članska izkaznica
3. deodorant + šampon
4. elastika za lase
5. elastični trak - za tisti dodatni bum
6. galon z vodo in bcaa (te si vedno pripravim doma, priporočam BCAA od Myprotein okus Berry Blast (s kodo Marcela-R5V imate 25% popusta)
7. Šejker z whey proteini za po treningu
8. fitnes oblačila in obutev
9. sveža oblačila za po treningu (nogavice, majica, modrček - tega velikokrat pozabim, na žalost)
10. rokavice, ki jih nikoli ne uporabljam (gloves are for pussies, right? - šala)
[Here is the list of things that I always carry with me to the gym:
1. mp3 and earphones - no good music, no good training
2. my gym card
3. deodorant + shampoo
4. hair tie
5. resistance band - for that extra boom
6. water galon mixed with BCAA ( I use BCAA from Myprotein - taste berry blast - if you want 25% off, use my code MARCELA-R5V)
7. Shaker with whey protein - I drink it after my workout
8. fitness clothes and shoes]
9. fresh clother that I put on after the shower)
10. Gloves, that I never use (gloves are for pussies, right? - just kidding)

To je vse, se beremo kmalu. <3 
This is it, see you soon. <3

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[You can also follow me on other social media:]
- Facebook: Naturally Marcela
- Instagram: marcelaanzel
- Snapchat: marcelica

Love ya, Marcela xoxo
